Who has rights to what?
The mother has the right to choose whether to have a baby. The baby has a right to life because God gave the child to be brought into the world. In the UK, the mother has the right to have an abortion. The abortion must meet at least one of the following four conditions:
- There is a risk to the woman's physical/mental health
- There is a substantial risk to the physical/mental health of the woman's existing children
- The woman might die unless the pregnancy is ended
- There is a substantial risk of the baby being born severely physically/mentally disabled and living with a very poor Quality of Life.
Peoples who may have rights
- Mother - The baby will affect her body and the mother will have to care for it
- Foetus - Has a beating heart (Stages of pregnancy) and has a right to life
- Father - The foetus is '50% genetically his' and the father will most likely care and pay some money towards the baby
- Grandparents - Have the right to see their next generation and care for them
- Doctors - Is the expert and can decide if the mother is mentally stable, and if it will harm the mother.
- God - Life is a blessing and only God has the right to take life away. God has the right to decide who lives, because he is the creator of all.
Pro-Life Arguments
- Abortion is murder - The unborn child is a separate human being with feelings and intelligence from conception
- Depression and guilt may follow an abortion, leaving mental and physical scars
- Disabled children can enjoy a happy, fulfilled life and would choose life over death
- UN Declaration of rights of a child states children need protection before before and after birth
- Each person is unique and has something to offer in life
- Abortion can be used selfishly to avoid responsibilities
- Abortion should only be used when a mothers life is in danger
- Everyone has the right to be born so they can reach their full potential.
Pro-Choice Arguments
- It is the woman's right to choose - The woman carries the baby and gives birth, she will have to look after the child and should have the right to end the pregnancy
- Life does not really start until the birth of the baby
- The woman has greater rights than the foetus
- Woman's circumstances should be considered (e.g. Rape victims, people in education, women deserted by parents/carers, mental health and poverty) (More examples: When may pregnancy not be a blessing?)
- Adoption may be put forward as an alternative to abortion, but it is no emotionally easy for the mother
- If law changes to avoid abortion, dangerous and illegal abortion services will return
- It is cruel to bring a severely physically/mentally disabled baby into the world
- The world already has too many babies.
Views of Pro-Life pressure groups
- Abortion should only be used when the mother's life is in danger
- Lower the 'cut-off' age from 24 weeks to 22 weeks (When does life begin?)
- Tighter restrictions on the circumstances of when you can have an abortion.
Views of Pro-Choice pressure groups
- Raise 'cut-off' age (When does life begin?)
- 'Abortion on demand' - No restrictions, conditions or doctors agreements to have an abortion. It is the mother's choice.
- Fewer restrictions, there should be more circumstances of when abortion is allowed.