Benefits/Disadvantages of growth
As a business grows, it gains both major advantages and disadvantages over its smaller rivals. Some firms are reluctant to take the risk of growing the business and opt to stay small.
Positives of growth
Negatives of growth
Organic Growth
Organic growth is expanding from within a business - internal. You could learn this type of growth by memorising it as 'natural' (organic.)
Organic growth is achieved through:
Organic growth is achieved through:
- Adding new customers or markets
- Increasing sales
- New products and services
Inorganic Growth
Inorganic growth involves merging with, or acquiring other businesses - external.
You could learn this type of growth by memorising it as 'artificial' or 'unnatural' (inorganic.)
Inorganic growth is achieved through either:
You could learn this type of growth by memorising it as 'artificial' or 'unnatural' (inorganic.)
Inorganic growth is achieved through either:
- A merger or
- An acquisition
MergerTwo companies of similar size join together to create a new company, with new shares. This is often described as a 'merger of equals'.
AcquisitionOne company takes over another company by buying up 51% or more of the shares in a 'target company'.
This is much higher risk approach but it is a faster way to grow a company compared to organic growth and immediately gains customers and sales of the acquired business, as well as its assets and market position.
However, it is a more risky strategy than organic growth as it involves taking over over a new business, which may have a different culture and way of doing things. It can also
How can the expansion of a business / firm be measured?
Measurements include:
Most businesses want to expand as it leads to a growth in sales and increases profits, which allows them to purchase new locations or extra shops and to employ more staff.
Both internal and external growth are an option for most firms, and a lot of businesses do both! |
Expansions is about making a business grow. We can measure the size of a business in different ways. By viewing the yearly statistics and checking for an increase of one of the below measurements indicates that the business is growing - but not necessarily. For example, an increase in sales could lead to more profits, but not always. It depends on whether these extra sales have been profitable (i.e. what additional costs have been incurred to each them, e.g. decrease the sale price to increase sales.)