This page is currently being merged with our "Fact of the Day" page. This transition will be completed later in May.
Here are some facts for you to enjoy, after you've done some 999GCSEHelp revision, of course!
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McDonald's salads are actually more fattening than their burgers.
You can use your headphones as microphones by plugging them into the microphone jack of your computer.
Cockroaches feel exactly the same way about us as we do about them. If a person touches them, they run away and hide, then wash themselves.
Love has nothing to do with your heart - It's all chemical reactions that take place inside of your brain.
The average human sheds about 20kg of skin in their lifetime.
Music not only changes our mood, but it also changes the way we think and our perception of the world.
Albert Einstein would charge people $1 for an autograph. He'd then donate this money to charity.
In the time it takes you to read this line, more than 63,500 cells in your body will die and be replaced, and you will shed over 1,157,400 flakes of skin.
Only about 10% of the population is left-handed.
We can only dream of faces we've seen in the past, whether we actively remember them or not. The brain cannot invent these.
During his or her lifetime, the average person will grow about 595 miles of hair.
Women speak about 7,000 words a day while men average 2,000.
If Barbie were life-size, she would be 7' 2" and her neck would be twice the length of a normal human's neck.
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