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ForSurvival Instinct. I would never kill for an illogical reason, I would only kill in self defence if I needed to. Self preservation/survival instincts are very strong. 99% would kill if necessary. If it came to it, I can almost guarantee that most people would kill for self defence. It's the basic instinct of self preservation! I have no doubt in my mind to end a life to save my family or myself. If it came to it, I would. |
AgainstNever. If it came to it, even though I believe that all violence is wrong (even to those who might deserve it). All people have the basic right to live and no one should suffer. People should be imprisoned for crimes, no one should be murdered, no matter how just the cause MIGHT seem to us. My conscience wouldn't allow me. I would never kill someone in my life. I wouldn't be able to go on knowing that I have ended someone else's life so that I can live on. (Opening point) |
Response information
Debate starter: Anonymous
For"Survival Instinct." - ParsonX0
"99% Would kill if necessary." - James Andrews |
Against"Never." - Golden Monkey
(Debate starter) "My conscience wouldn't allow me." - Anonymous |
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