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ForAn unproductive cost. You know that the British public fund the BBC?! Waste ofMoney! Most Journalists travel abroad to put their lives in danger by reporting on conflict situations. Royal Correspondents on the other hand get to holidays to report on what British Royals are up to. Why do we need a 'journalist' dedicated to following the royal family around? We don't get each journalist following a particular celebrity. The BBC would just assign one of their journalists to report on them if there was a newsworthy story about them on a particular day, why are the royals any different? (Opening point) |
AgainstEnough people care about the Royal Family. Many people would like to know what the Royal Family are doing. Just as enough care about football or other sports, or about politics. |
Response information
Debate starter: Lucy King
For"Unproductive cost."
(Debate starter) "Justified..?" - Lucy King |
Against"Enough people care about the Royal Family" - Golden Monkey
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