The best three revision videos which the OxNotes Revision Team could find for An Inspector Calls analysis. These videos look into the books themes, characters and authorial context of J B Priestley. Although all of the best videos are usually titled 'Grade 9' and 'Top Set', they are useful for all students. These are perfect for the GCSE English Literature exams.
1. "'An Inspector Calls': Top Set Analysis"This analytical video goes into amazing detail to help you fully understand the most important aspects of An Inspector Calls. Vital for analysis marks. 200,000+ views.
Top AIC guides: Best 5 An Inspector Calls Revision Guides
2. "The Inspector Grade 9 analysis"
A simple and very effective 15-minute video that gets straight to the point. Also an essential watch for gaining the analytical marks and achieving higher grades. 100,000+ views.
3. "The 10 Most Important Quotes in An Inspector Calls"
This final video looks into 10 key quotes within J. B. Priestley's play, alongside an in-depth analysis of these quotes. Perfect for GCSE students because the analysis gives you a deep understanding of this play's underlying meaning. Also perfect for analysis! 50,000+ views.
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